Yet Another Study Debunks The Teen Nicotine Epidemic
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Vape E-cigarette VaporIn a statement release from the American Vaping Association, it focuses on a new study that concluded, “only one in five teens are using nicotine while vaping.” Extracting this fact from a recent article in the Tobacco Control journal, it’s yet another study that contradicts a prevalent misconception that vaping is a gateway for teens to begin smoking.


It’s a fact that a huge fraction of vapers are previous smokers and are looking to quit nicotine completely, using vaping as an effective method. But many, including governing parties like the FDA, are ensuring that vape products have regulations so that teens, especially underaged, will not be exposed to “harmful” habits.


It seems like a position with good intentions, but it seriously overlooks the facts of what many researchers have determined. This recent study alone will help any open minded individual to realize that vaping isn’t as harmful to youth as it has been falsely known to be. The authors surveyed 15,000 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students regarding their vaping past. This was the first time a study has ever questioned youth about what they inhaled the most recent time they vaped. The tremendous answer was “just flavouring,” making up two thirds of the responses (more than all the other answers combined).


Although studies have found that teen smoking is quickly decreasing (by 50%) and that vaping doesn’t really promote early nicotine exposure, the myth of a teen nicotine epidemic exists. The American Vaping Association and other partners continue to fight and expose these misconceptions in order to influence government and the public. The lifespan of this teen epidemic myth is only costing numerous people their jobs according to the AVA president Gregory Conley.


Vaping has been proven to be 95 percent safer than smoking. So if you’re looking for a safer, healthier smoking option visit your local vape store and our staff can help you with all your vape needs.