Never fear, fellow vapers: we understand there may be some last-minute gifting to do, and the solution might lie in your trusty vape kit. For all kinds of vaper — from newbies to vaping veterans, clearomizer users to pod mod professionals — here are some perfect e-cigarette gifts to grab before the holidays:
For Current Vapors:
Got someone in your life that is looking to step up their vape game but not sure what to get them? Have no fear, just stop on in to any of our locations and speak to one of our customer service representatives. They’ll get you on the right path to winning the Christmas Gift game with brands like Smok, GeekVape, FreeMax, and HorizonTech. Mods like the Smok Species V2 or the new Limited Edition GeekVape Legend kits. Maybe they’re looking for a new tank like the FreeMax Mesh Pro or the HorizonTech Falcon. Whatever it is, we’ve got it all covered!
For Beginners:
Do you have someone important in your life that needs to finally kick tobacco to the curb? Bring them and let one of our customer service representatives speak to them about our Kick Butts Program, a continuous contact program aimed at helping smokers convert to vaping. We’ll help them get the right setup and the right e-Liquid to get started on the a new path leading in to the new year!
E-Liquid: The Perfect Stocking Stuffer
Sometimes it is hard to know whether your loved one really wants or needs a new mod or tank but do you know what they always need? E-LIQUID! We’ve got a ton of flavors, something for everyone! Stop on in and pick up a couple of new flavors for the vaper in your life!
Whatever their style, there is a vaping gift that’s perfect for everyone on your list. Let’s just hope your friends and family are just as thoughtful and leave you some vaping gear under the tree!