Are you looking for a reason to quit smoking for the holidays? Because“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”
Gathering in our homes with friends and family is what makes the season so special. But inevitably that gathering will get interrupted by someone – maybe you – saying that you ‘just need to pop out and get a gasp of fresh-air’. Here are three reasons why you should consider kicking the habit this holiday season.
Keep warm
As a smoker, winter time means braving bitter temperatures to feed a bad habit. Frostbitten fingertips, desperately fumbling with a lighter, save yourself the trouble this yuletide and start vaping. Free from the nasty smell and toxicity of cigarette smoke, you’ll be able to sit, back and relax comfortably indoors as you vape away.
Be present for important moments
We’ve all been there. That cigarette break between courses on the big day. ‘There’s time’, you think to yourself as you make a dash for the back door. But as you return, whoops and shrieks and laughter indicate that you’ve missed another moment of togetherness. Switching to vaping means no more departures from the dinner table and more memory making.
Enjoy cool unique gifts
“I wished for a carton of cigarettes,” said no one at Christmas. E-Cigarettes, by contrast, have been found to be up to 95% less harmful than smoking tobacco cigarettes and have the potential to aid smokers on their journey towards quitting. Let friends and family (and Santa) know that you’re switching and you may get all kinds of cool vaping gadgets to help you on your way to becoming smoke-free this holiday.
Vapor Galleria is your go-to source for trusted, flavorful, and quality CBD and vaping products. Stop into your local Vapor Galleria store today.